When we make provision for Salary, Entry is 1) Salary A/C (Indirect Expense) Provision for Salary (Current Liability)2) When we charge Salary to Provision. Provision for Salary A/C Dr To Salary Was this answer useful? Yes ReplySubrata Feb 2nd, 2018 Provision for depreciation as like ...
provisionforlong-serviceleave怎么算 TangHolidayPlannerPtyLtdhasthreeempolyees.Theyareentitledto13weeksleaveafter10yearsofservice.Refertothefollowinginformationabouteachemployeeat30June2011: CurrentsalaryYearservice Alan200002 Bobby400005 Cath600007 Assumesalariesarenotexpectedtochange,andignoretheeffectofinflation.Theem...
provision for long-service leave 怎么算Tang Holiday Planner Pty Ltd has three empolyees .They are entitled to 13weeks leave after 10years of service.Refer to the following information about each employee at 30 June 2011:Current salary Year service...
Note: this journal entry assumes that the previous balance of the loss allowance was 0. If there was a balance, then ABC recognized just a difference to bring the loss allowance to CU 199. Further reading If you wish to dig deeper in the topic, here are a few articles that I recommend...
For the problems above, some village doctors put forward their ideas. “I think we deserve the same pension plan as those who work in THCs. I hope government can incorporate village doctor’s social security into finical budget.” (B12) “I hope I can have a steady basic salary as a...