A local government system was introduced to the country by the colonial administration. Generally, a council will represent a number of villages and will manage and administer the area under its control. Local-level government has legislative power in connection with, among other things, labour...
itself a joint venture of Canada’s Barrick Gold and China’s Zijin Mining), the signature of Mineral Resources Enga finally brings the agreement into effect, and affirms landowner and local government support for the mine’s reopening.
各自治州,市人民政府,各地区行署,各县(自治县,市,市辖区,特区)人民政府,省政府各部门,各直属机构: 2004年,各地认真贯彻落实《中共贵州省委贵州省人民政府关于加快畜牧业发展的意见》(黔党发[2003]14号),把发展畜牧业作为农业和农村经济结构战略性调整的突破口,多渠道增加投入,切实加大先进适用技术推广,大力发展...