Taxo Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code (Specialties and Facilty Types) Providers may have multiple taxonomies reported here, and thus multiple records in this one-to-many table. The Taxonomy Code indicates the provider's specialty; i.e., Pediatrician, Optometrist, etc.; or facility type; i.e....
Put inprovider name, specialty, procedure or condition and Zip Code.ClickSearch. Select any 2016 Individual On Exchange Leap Plan: Then enterZip Codeagain along withprovider name(optional): [Back to Top] Kaiser Permanente Provider Lookup Visit Kaiser’sProvider Lookup for Virginia and Marylandto s...
Urgent Care- select the specialty Urgent Care under the provider lookup portal. Facility & Ancillary Name Search Search for a hospital, medical facility, or ancillary provider by name or type. Provider Radius Search Choose a specific provider specialty or facility type and search for providers or ...
Taxo Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code (Specialties and Facilty Types) Providers may have multiple taxonomies reported here, and thus multiple records in this one-to-many table. The Taxonomy Code indicates the provider's specialty; i.e., Pediatrician, Optometrist, etc.; or facility type; i.e....