You may contact us at the number on the back of your ID card and request an internal appeal or send a written request to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois P.O. Box 3122 Naperville, Illinois 60566-9744 Phone :( 800)538-8833 Fax: (888)235-2936 What if my situation is urgent?
Tax ID: The referring provider Tax ID number. Tax ID Type: Define whether the provided Tax ID number is an SSN or a TIN number. UPIN: Medicare assigned number to identify providers. This number populates to box 17a on the CMS-1500 form. BCBS ID: Bluecross Blueshield assigned number ...
Phone: 682-207-7055 0 People in crisis should call the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline number (988) or their local emergency number (911) Providing mental, emotional, and behavioral support to adolescents, adults, parents, and parents-to-be. ...
□ Aetna Better Health □ Amerigroup □ BCBS of Texas □ Driscoll □ Molina □ Superior □ Children's Medical □ Cigna-HealthSpring □ Community First □ Texas Children's □ United Healthcare □ Cook Children's Section 5B: Payer (Select if applicable.) □ HHSC/TMHP Title: Phone No.: ...
You may contact us at the number on the back of your ID card and request an internal appeal or send a written request to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois P.O. Box 3122 Naperville, Illinois 60566-9744 Phone :( 800)538-8833 Fax: (888)235-2936 What if my situation is urgent?
You may contact us at the number on the back of your ID card and request an internal appeal or send a written request to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois P.O. Box 3122 Naperville, Illinois 60566-9744 Phone :( 800)538-8833 Fax: (888)235-2936 What if my situation is urgent?
You may contact us at the number on the back of your ID card and request an internal appeal or send a written request to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois P.O. Box 3122 Naperville, Illinois 60566-9744 Phone :( 800)538-8833 Fax: (888)235-2936 What if my situation is urgent?
You may contact us at the number on the back of your ID card and request an internal appeal or send a written request to: Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois P.O. Box 3122 Naperville, Illinois 60566-9744 Phone :( 800)538-8833 Fax: (888)235-2936 What if my situation is urgent?
Provider Finder Easily search for physicians, specialists and hospitals ,W·VHDV\WRÀQGSK\VLFLDQVVSHFLDOLVWVDQGKRVSLWDOVZLWKWKHRQOLQH Provider Finder. Follow these three steps: 1. Visit 2. Click Provider Finder 6HDUFKE\QHWZRUNGRFWRUKRVSLW...
Provider Finder Easily search for physicians, specialists and hospitals ,W·VHDV\WRÀQGSK\VLFLDQVVSHFLDOLVWVDQGKRVSLWDOVZLWKWKHRQOLQH Provider Finder. Follow these three steps: 1. Visit 2. Click Provider Finder 6HDUFKE\QHWZRUNGRFWRUKRVSLW...