网络释义 1. 接口 供应接口(provided interface):供应接口声明该构件为其它请求者提供某种服务,用一个小圆圈表示请求接口(required interface):请…|基于43个网页 2. 提供接口 提供接口(provided interface):应用接口指明外部组件如何访问一个组件的功能要求接口(required interface):为了实现组 … ...
e.g. a class B implements the interface I). Required interface would be any use of an interface by a component (e.g. if a class A defines a method that has the interface I as a parameter,
关于构件的接口,下面说法不正确的选项是〔 〕 A. 一个构件所实现的接口被称为它的供口(provided interface),表示为一个“球〞。 B. 一个构件所需要
e.g. a class B implements the interface I).Required interfacewould be any use of an interface by a component (e.g. if a class A defines a method that has the interface I as a parameter, this means that class A has a required interface I). ...
A.一个构件所实现的接口被称为它的供口(provided interface)B.一个构件所需要的接口被称为它的需口(required interface)C.如果构件的供口和需口数量较大,可把一组相关的供口和需口组织为一个端口(port)D.构件的替换只能发生在设计时刻,不可能发生在运行时刻相关...
边界,可以放入元素,形成一个模块。 Interface 接口,可以是单个接口,也可以是抽象的一组接口的组合。Provided Interface 提供的接口。 Required Interface和Provided Interface一般是配套使用,一方提供接口,另一方使用,使用Association连线连接两边后,会自动合并。
To define a required and a provided interface on a port: Procedure Complete one of the following steps: To define a required interface, in the Palette, clickRequired Interface. To define a provided interface, in the Palette, clickProvided Interface. ...
Node 关联节点。 Part 表示类或接口的运行时实例。 port 端口。 Interface Required Interface和Provided Interface之间可以建立Dependency,表明一个组件需要的接口是由另外一个组件提供的。 Generalization 来自:帮助中心 查看更多 → 部署MySQL strength of the password: 100 Do you wish to continue with the password...
RequiredInterface Rerun ResamplePicture ResizableControl 調整大小 ResizeGrip ResourceSymbol ResourceTemplate ResourceType ResourceView 重新啟動 RestoreDefaultView RestoreImage RestoreLocalServer RestoreMTR RestoreServiceDependencies RestoreServiceDependenciesWarning RestoreSnapshot ResultsToGrid ResultsToRuleFile ResultsTo...
aHowever, a digital interface is always required for the VGA as it is typically included in a gain control loop, whose control signal is provided by a digital signal processor (DSP). 然而,一个数字接口为VGA总需要,当它在获取控制回路典型地包括,一个数字信号处理器提供控制信号 (DSP)。 [...