I get an API token from the Personal Access Tokens page of my gitlab account, selecting all the scopes. In GitLab Server Url of the plugin settings, I left the default value (https://gitlab.com) I get a Provided API Token is not valid error. ...
Greetings, I'm trying to setup my gitlab project to work with webstorm and I am getting this error: I created an access token with api read/write access to the API.
This error is returned from the server when the request sent to it is authenticating with an invalid or expired access token. It appears that you are setting explicitly to the instance an access token (thetokenproperty of the Everlive) but it is no longer valid. Perhaps it may be a good...
It is said in https://www.adobe.io/authentication/auth-methods.html#!AdobeDocs/adobeio-auth/master/OAuth/OAuth.md: Note: Not all product APIs support the refresh_token grant type. You may not be able to get a valid response for such integrations. Please try ...
public boolean isAuthenticationProviderRenewalNecessary() Returns true if the this authentication provider is no longer valid. If true, users will need to create a new DeviceClient instance to get a new authentication provider. The most common case for this is ...
The security token you provided is invalid 问题原因:临时访问凭证无效。 解决方案:请参见使用STS临时访问凭证访问OSS进行排查。 AccessKeyIdAndSecurityTokenNotMatch The OSS access key id and security token you provided does not match 问题原因:用户提供的AccessKey和临时访问凭证不匹配。
I did get a valid token using my Azure credentials clientID and client_secret. I also did add API's and API permissions. Thanks for your help Not Monitored Not Monitored Tag not monitored by Microsoft. 39,432 questions 0 commentsNo comments ...
在创建销售订单时,保存之后,出现如下显示: 点放大镜出现: 出现上面红色错误的时候 怎么解决 解决...