Defines two courses of action depending on the outcome of a condition. A condition is an expression that is, when computed,evaluated as either true or false. The keywords used are if and else.Format: if condition then-part else else-part end_if ...
The G1 method avoids the steps of determining weights according to expert opinions and consistency tests in subjective weight determination methods such as AHP and ANP and simplifies the steps of weight determination. Therefore, this article chooses to use the G1 method to determine the subjective ...
One can note that in the case of an N-terminal modified lysine, the immonium ion corresponds to fragment a1 and the diagnostic ion to a1-NH3. We will nonetheless use the general naming of diagnostic and immonium ions to be able to address the cases of peptides containing several modified...
A major railway project is a complex, giant system with multi-party participation, one characterized by complex geological conditions, long construction periods and large scale, which leads to an increased likelihood of safety risk events during construction. In order to solve the problem of scientifi...
A major railway project is a complex, giant system with multi-party participation, one characterized by complex geological conditions, long construction periods and large scale, which leads to an increased likelihood of safety risk events during construction. In order to solve the problem of scientifi...