During the first phase of the Canton Fair (April 15th to 19th), a team of 11 experienced lawyers from Guangzhou provided various legal consulting services to more than 240 merchants from 33 countries and regions, such as Russia, the UAE (Dubai), Venezuela, South Africa, the UK, Mexico, Sp...
Then, we nominated candidates at different tiers of our organization. All candidates then gave some presentations to win the support of the constituency. At that time, they were only nominated, not yet elected. Then the list of nominated individuals was put together, and submitted to a higher-...
while ‘exotic’ species were those that have been introduced from other countries. Because of the small number of native species recorded in Santiago (n = 21), the
依据GB/T 199-2012《光伏发电站接入电力系统技术规定》光伏发电站接入电力系统检测由具备相应资质的机构进行,并在检测前30日将检测方案报所接入地区的电网调度机构备案。光伏发电站应在全部光伏部件并网调试运行后6个月内向电网调度机构提供有关光伏发电站运行特性的检测报告。
It was a fun adventure and exposed me to parts of the country I would never have visited otherwise. By driving across the country several times and living in cities and towns in many regions, I got to know the U.S. in a way that I never had in my previous 10 years of adulthood. ...
Both countries have seen their GDP growth rates slow. The best and worst performing sectors reversed position during the year compared with the previous year. The worst performing sectors were the energy and utilities sectors....
Also known as the Antarctic Pact, signed in December 1959 by the 12 countries conducting research in the Antarctic, the treaty came into force in June 1961, during the 3rd International Geophysical Year (1957–1958). The Antarctic Treaty System (ATS) is a set of complex arrangements, devised...