Using the FGLSS-reduction to Prove Inapproximability Results for Minimum Vertex Cover - Goldreich - 2001 () Citation Context ...[5] obtained 1.36 NP-hardness improving on the 7 6 − ε hardness by H˚astad [10]. For larger k, a sequence of works obtained hardness factor k1/19 (...
A vertex cover of a complete bipartite graph must use all of one part. Since have all the neighbors in these two sets, we can remove one of that is not in the right part and decrease the size of the vertex cover. Thus a minimum vertex cover of size yields an antichain of size . ...
Prove that in an isosceles triangle, the line joining the vertex between congruent sides and the midpoint of the third side is the angle bisector of the angle between congruent sides. Given: segment PQ bisects angle MPN segment MP is con...
Identify which of these problems are NP-complete and which can be exactly solved using a polynomial time algorithm. a. Finding the vertex cover in a line graph. b. Finding the maximum clique in a tree Write in C++ a program that outputs the shortest distance from a giv...