Intel QuickAssist Technology( QAT) OpenSSL Engine (an OpenSSL Plug-In Engine) which provides cryptographic acceleration for both hardware and optimized software using Intel QuickAssist Technology enabled Intel platforms.
Intel QuickAssist Technology( QAT) OpenSSL Engine (an OpenSSL Plug-In Engine) which provides cryptographic acceleration for both hardware and optimized software using Intel QuickAssist Technology enabled Intel platforms.
If the behavior is finalized and overridden at a lower level, the override has no affect; the behavior is final and the condition defined for the behavior is evaluated. If the behavior is not finalized and is overridden at a lower level, the condition defined for the overridden behavior is ...
add subscriber id=sub1; category=CTXG; name=main-sub; dn1=123-456-7890; sub-profile-id=ctxgspf; Step 10 Adding Centrex groups. Both CAs and POTS/Centrex/Tandem (PTC) FSs share the Centrex Group (centrex-grp) table. A Centrex group is typically assigned to a business group. Su...
Do not use a number for FNAMEn that is already being used for this service. add/change service id=ABC; fname9=8XX; If you are using POP-specific office service IDs, you can add the 8XX feature. If you add this feature to the office service ID (XYZ in this example), all ...
Figure 9-4shows an XPath expression that combines thefirst_namefield and thelast_namefield. The Calculation behavior is applied to a field that contains the card-holder name field, where the first and last names are combined into a single field value. ...
Intel QuickAssist Technology( QAT) OpenSSL Engine (an OpenSSL Plug-In Engine) which provides cryptographic acceleration for both hardware and optimized software using Intel QuickAssist Technology enabled Intel platforms.
Intel QuickAssist Technology( QAT) OpenSSL Engine (an OpenSSL Plug-In Engine) which provides cryptographic acceleration for both hardware and optimized software using Intel QuickAssist Technology enabled Intel platforms.
Intel QuickAssist Technology( QAT) OpenSSL Engine (an OpenSSL Plug-In Engine) which provides cryptographic acceleration for both hardware and optimized software using Intel QuickAssist Technology enabled Intel platforms.
for var_name, var in data.variables.items()} } if self.time_field is not None: out_meta['time'] = [ _to_datetime_string(data.coords[self.time_field].values[0]), _to_datetime_string(data.coords[self.time_field].values[-1]), ] out_meta["time_steps"] = data.sizes[self.ti...