"STAND PROUD" is the first opening theme song of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders and the third overall opening theme of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: The Animation. Animated by Studio Kamikaze Douga, the song is performed by Jin Hashimoto, with lyrics by Shoko Fujibayashi, composition...
Each episode ends with the same sequence, as each light in the house turns off one by one as the family calls out, "Good night, Son. Good night, Mama. Good night, Mary Ellen…" all the way to "Good night, John Boy!" the most repeated and most famous catchphrase from the show. ...
Donald Fagen from Passaic, New Jersey co-founded the 1970's rock group Steely Dan. He sang lead on big hits includingReelin In The YearsandDo It Again. 25. Mary Chapin Carpenter (Photo: Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images) 25. Mary Chapin Carpenter From Princeton, singer and songwriter Mary Chapin ...
After wins over Utah and Saint Mary’s, both top 20 teams, Cal made it to the championship game by beating #5 Cincinnati (and its three-time Sporting News Player of the Year Oscar Robertson). The title game was a white-knuckle bout against #10 West Virginia and future NBA Hall of ...
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