WATCH MANUAL ARCHIVES Use this page to download a copy of CASIO watch manuals in PDF. To download a PDF file, enter the four-digit (or three-digit) module number marked on the back cover of your watch.MODULE NO.SUPPORT & CONTACT US...
Power Saving (Turns off the display when the watch is left in the dark) Battery display/alert Battery level indicator Run time Approx. battery operating time: 5 months on rechargeable battery (operation period with normal use without exposure to light after full charge) 23 months on rechargeable...
【卡西欧手表OCW-P1000-1APROTREK系列价格】Casio 官网报价_爱表族手表详情 OCEANUS,此现代手表以「优雅和科技」为品牌设计概念,造就典雅、多功能的 OCW-P1000 系列航海手表。此全新表款配备数码指南针,只需一按按钮,秒针即会指向磁北。内环可转动以记录所需方位,让您保持向正确方向前进。OCW-P1000 型号手表配备防...
CASIO PRO TREK - Reliable and versatile watches with triple sensor technology and solar operation, perfect for outdoor adventures and sporting activities.
【卡西欧手表PRG-600-1PROTREK系列价格】Casio 官网报价_爱表族手表详情 PRO TREK 三重传感器(版本 3)系列手表适合户外和日常生活佩戴。这个款式采用大阿拉伯数字小时标记及注目的不锈钢表圈。这种高度对比度的简单设计令手表除了户外佩戴外,也适合在日常使用。
5.While comparing the difference between the altitude you found on the map and the altitude differential indicated by the watch’s second hand, advance towards your destination. When the altitude differential you found on the map is the same as that indicated by the second hand, it means you...
某日,突闻好友昌昌忍者童鞋入手了CASIO的Mudman 9300黑金款, 搭配夏日的T恤和牛仔,终于,决定也要把这根种在心里的草连根拔除。于是,惯例的上网搜索,学习,比较...一直有梦的登山表列入我的首选,从240T到250系列,从130系列到2000...最后还是偏爱全液晶款式,加上酷黑的偏好,终于,选定了PRG-130Y-1DR,也就是本...
Perform figure 8 or two-point calibration whenever you notice the watch’s compass readings are different from those of another compass, or before setting out on a climb or trek.Note that accurate compass readings and/or calibration will not be possible in an area where strong magnetism is ...
原价$180.00,现4.4折售价$79.99,近期好价,不可直邮,发货重量1磅,预计到手约¥580元,如果被收取关税按20%计算为¥116,同系列亚马逊中国自营¥1600+。亚马逊购买地址>> Casio Men's PRG-270-2CR Pro Trek Watch太 阳能登山表,使用太阳能供电无需电池,充满电后最长可待机长达9个月。包括卡西欧全新升级的第三...
CASIO WATCHES Display records of your activity, such as routes you have traveled and calories burned. You can also use your smartphone to change various watch settings. Confirmed OS version Automatic Time Adjustment The watch is reset regularly 4 times a day by the smartphone to show both home...