出现[https @ 000001a69f0bae00] Protocol 'https' not on whitelist 'file,crypto,data'! 问题,详情如下: 因fmpeg默认不使用https协议,https协议没有在白名单内,所以无法下载。 更新协议白名单-protocol_whitelist concat,file,http,https,tcp,tls,crypto,执行如下命令: ffmpeg -protocol_whitelist concat,file,h...
1.交叉编译valgrind在嵌入式设备上调试程序 2.gerrit 反向代理从 apache 换成 nginx 之后项目页报错“The page you requested was not found, or you do not have permission to view this page” 3.golang实现一个简单的文件浏览下载功能代码示例 4.六十花甲子纳音表中的五行是怎么算出来的 5.df查看30...
$>mtn-i-P-tepisode.m3u8-s20-o_sprite.jpg[hls @ 0000000002889fc0] Opening'https://xxxxx.me/hls-dash/xxxxxxx/000.ts'forreading[https @ 0000000002893140] Protocol'https'not on whitelist'file,crypto,data'![hls @ 0000000002889fc0] Failed to open segment 0 of playlist 0[hls @ 0000000002889fc...
ijkMediaPlayer.setOption(IjkMediaPlayer.OPT_CATEGORY_FORMAT, "protocol_whitelist ", "ffconcat,crypto,file,http,https"); it seems not useful for me: E/IJKMEDIA: Protocol not on whitelist 'file,crypto'! Impossible to open 'http://gslb.miaopai.com/stream/bfuYKGig5EtL1mEbxjBk~I~4TT4y1tWK.m...
.default_whitelist = "http,https,tls,rtp,tcp,udp,crypto,httpproxy" }; 从中可以看出,.priv_data_size的值为sizeof(HTTPContext),即ff_http_protocol和HttpContext相关联。 HttpContext对象的定义为: typedef struct HTTPContext { const AVClass *class; ...
The Tuntox Server can optionally allow only whitelisted ToxIDs. Supply-i yourallowedtoxidone time or more to add a ToxID to the whitelist. Note: The default client behavior is to generate a new ToxID for every run (because author thinks it's a nice privacy feature). You will want to...
ffmpeg在读取网络流过程中遇到问题"ffmpeg Protocol 'https' not on whitelist 'file,crypto'!" 2020-05-13 15:00 −... 步孤天 0 5247 FFmpeg 的bug 2019-12-02 16:05 −发现一个ffmpeg 的bug, 我用老版本的ffmpeg解码播视频,对同样的视频,音频部分得到的是6通道,一直有杂音 周末呢换了新版本的ffm...
Issues with the redux store not updating Keep in mind that we're using redux-persist and that some of the state is persisted to the async storage, aka the local device storage. To truly reset the store as you're developing, you mind need to temporarily comment out the whitelist attribute...
The Tuntox Server can optionally allow only whitelisted ToxIDs. Supply-i yourallowedtoxidone time or more to add a ToxID to the whitelist. Note: The default client behavior is to generate a new ToxID for every run (because author thinks it's a nice privacy feature). You will want to...