Protocol Buffers是Google跨语言、跨平台的通用序列化库。FlatBuffers同样出自Google,而且也跨语言跨平台,但更强调效率,专门为游戏开发打造。在游戏界混了几年,各种各样的序列化协议都见过,MUD的字符串、Json、二进制、Protocol Buffers,各有各的优缺点。 Protocol Buffers采用的是单个字段压缩到数组的方式。例如: messa...
Protocol Buffers 是一种与语言无关,平台无关的可扩展机制,用于序列化结构化数据。使用Protocol Buffers...
flatbuffers::FlatBufferBuilder builder;auto name=builder.CreateString("John Doe");auto email=builder.CreateString("");MyGame::Sample::PersonBuilder personBuilder(builder);personBuilder.add_id(123);personBuilder.add_name(name);personBuilder.add_age(30);personBuilder.add_email(e...
为什么说FlatBuffers可以替代Protocol buffers ,主要是利用了FlatBuffers高效利用内存的序列化函数库,虽然FB的反序列化超级快,但是数据大小还是蛮大的(可能的原因是不需要解析,直接访问binary buffer,所以不能对数据进行压缩),带来的传输或存储开销,可能会抵过一部分反序列化的时间。感觉上,FB的使用场景上还是很受限,在...
FlatBuffers VS ProtocolBuffer in Golang This project is a benchmark comparing FlatBuffers and ProtocolBuffer in Golang for serializing and grpc, also including FlatBuffers examples. I used FlatBuffers builder pool to reduce memory usage and make it faster. run bench go test -bench=. -benchtime...
一. FlatBuffers 生成二进制流 FlatBuffers 的使用和 Protocol buffers 基本类似。只不过功能比 Protocol buffers 多了一个解析 JSON 的功能。 编写schema 文件,描述数据结构和接口定义。 用flatc 编译,生成相应语言的代码文件。 解析JSON 数据,把数据存储成对应的 schema,并存入 FlatBuffers 二进制文件中。 使用Flat...
Once the protection mechanism is in effect, the stream of command and response octets is processed into buffers of ciphertext. Each buffer is transferred over the connection as a stream of octets prepended with a four octet field in network byte order that represents the length of the following...
go.sum go.mod: switch to monorepo Apr 5, 2021 api Protocol BuffersandFlatBuffersdefinitions according to the Language Server Protocol and Debug Adapter Protocol specifications. Releases 2tags Sponsor this project zcheeKoichi Shiraishi Sponsor