v_range formats include a number, number range, or comma-delimited list of numbers and ranges. VLAN numbers range from 1 to 4094.value path cost assigned to interface. Values range from 1 to 200000000 (200 million). Default values are 20000 (1 G interfaces) or 2000 (10 G interfaces). ...
In protocol v2 communication is command oriented. When first contacting a server a list of capabilities will advertised. Some of these capabilities will be commands which a client can request be executed. Once a command has completed, a client can reuse the connection and request that other comma...
From then on, IP:Port becomes the last IP:Port received in the master servers reply. This allows steam to then grab another list of more servers. Terminate this with 0x00 Note that whenever you open a new socket (and thus get a new random client port), the Master Server will always ...
入参校验 // key 为 类别( provider、configurators、routers ),value 为所属url Map<String, List<URL>> result = new HashMap<String, List<URL>>(); // 按照url类别进行分组,如 Provider、configurators、routers for (URL u : urls) { // u 为 被监听的 URl, urls 为监听的节点转化为的 URl。
However, no scientific evidence for persons with alcohol and drug addiction exists to date [28, 29], with the exception for a pilot waitlist study [30] and analyses of pooled original data [31], indicating an effect of IPS on employment for the target group. Previous research shows that ...
5.1 Function Code ListTable 5-1 Function code list Function Code Meaning Remarks 0x03 Reading Supports continuous reading of single or multiple registers. 0x06 Writing into a single Supports writing into a single register. register 0x10 Writing into multiple Supports continuous writing into multiple ...
I just found out that users can no longer install my MSIX from my website. This is a WPF application packaged with "Windows Application Packaging Project"...
If Cisco MIB Locator does not support the MIB information that you need, you can also obtain a list of supported MIBs and download MIBs from the Cisco MIBs page at the following URL: http://www.cisco.com/public/sw-center/netmgmt/cmtk/mibs.shtml To access Cisco MIB Locator, you ...
execmonitor subscribercapture-durationcapture_durationdump filenamefilename_valuegr-instancegr_instanceimeiimei_valueimsiimsi_valuesupisupi_valuelistsubscriber_listinternal-messages [ Yes | No ]transaction-logs [ Yes | No ]nf-servicenf_serviceend ...
Node List: phys-racerxx-1, phys-racerxx-2 How to Display the SCSI Protocol of a Single Storage Device This procedure provides the long forms of the Sun Cluster commands. Most commands also have short forms. Except for the long and short forms of the command names, the commands are identi...