Previously known assemblages are characterized as either mixed size-classes (juvenile and adult-sized specimens together) or single size-classes of individuals (only juveniles or only adult-sized individuals within the assemblage). In the latter case, it is generally unknown if these kinds of size-...
来自Evdokimov Sergey的视频 7 人观看 1:37:19 Ледянойчеловек/Der Mann aus dem Eis (2017, Германия) 12.6千次浏览 2:41 Size Comparison 3 - Pterosaurs and flying Dinosaurs. Paleoart 210 人观看 2:51 Size Comparison 2 - Aquatic Dinosaurs, Reptiles and Mammals of...
Thanks to its size, it can easily carry the survivors on its back, what makes it an excellent mount is that while they are sitting in the saddle, it reduces the feeling of the survivor's need for water and food, thanks to this ability, you can travel long distances with it without hu...
type 2 (MPC-D 100/537), posteriorly rounded posterior margin of the squamosal; developed ridge on the posterior margin of the parietal; and type 3 (MPC-D 100/540), large size; posteriorly curved posterior margin of the squamosal; the rugose surface texture on the dorsal side of parietal...
A study of the size of sclerotic rings in extant birds shows that relative eye size correlates with ecological habits: for a given body mass, herbivores, omnivores, and scavengers tend to have modest-sized eyes; diurnal, visually hunting predators have much larger eyes; and nocturnal birds ...
Bagaceratops rozhdestvenskyi is a ceratopsian dinosaur from the Late Cretaceous Baruungoyot Formation of the Gobi Desert, closely related to Protoceratops spp. Several Bag. rozhdestvenskyi skulls demonstrate a wide range of variation in their morphology and size. Here I argue that the observed ...
The relatively large size of the individuals and their advanced state of development suggests the possibility that Protoceratops juveniles remained and grew in their nests during at least the early stages of postnatal development. The nest further implies that parental care and sociality are ...