沪江词库精选Protoceratium reticulatum是什么意思、英语单词推荐 网状原角藻 相似短语 Protoceratium reticulatum 网状原角藻 strata reticulatum 【医】 网状纤维层(连结丘脑和枕叶) industrial control unit (ICU) 工业控制机,工业控制器 atrophoderma reticulatum symmetricum faciei 【医】 面部对称性网状皮...
Protoceratium reticulatumDinoflagellatesSouthwestern AtlanticPhylogenyYessotoxinsCystsProtoceratium reticulatum is a dinoflagellate with a life cycle that includes a motile planktonic stage and a resting cyst stage in benthic habitat, both with a wide geographical distribution, including southern South America. ...
Protoceratium reticulatum网状原角藻 相似单词 Protoceratium原角藻属 最新单词 fourpenny是什么意思a. 四辨士的 fourpence的中文翻译及音标n. 四便士,四便士银币 fourmarierite的中文意思红铀矿 fourling怎么翻译及发音四晶 fouring的中文释义四纬稀弄 fourierism的中文解释n. 传立叶主义 ...
Statistically assessing the correlation between salinity and mor- phology in cysts produced by the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum from sur- face sediments of the North Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean-Marmara-Black Sea region, and Baltic-Kattegat-Skagerrak estuarine system. Palaeogeogr. Palaeoclimatol...
2007. CO2-concentrating mechanisms of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum (Dinophyceae, Gonyaulacales). J. Phycol., 43: 693-701.Ratti S, Giordano M, Morse D (2007) CO2-concentrating mechan- isms of the potentially toxic dinoflagellate Protoceratium Reti- culatum (...
Identification of Protoceratium reticulatum as the biogenetic origin of yessotoxin. Natural Toxins 5:164-167.Satake, M.; MacKenzie, L.; Yasumoto, T.; Identification of Protoceratium reticulatum as the biogenetic origin of yessotoxin. Nat. Toxins. 1997, 5, 164-7....
Eiki K,Satake M,Koike K et al.Confirmation of yessotoxin production by the dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum in Mutsu Bay. Fisheries Science . 2005Eiki K, Satake M, Koike K, Ogata T, Mitsuya T, Oshima Y. Confirmation of yessotoxin produc- tion by the dinoflagellate Protoceratium ...
Use of ELISA to identify Protoceratium reticulatum as a source of yessotoxin in Norway. Toxicon 44, 75-82.Samdal, I. A., Naustvoll, L. J., Olseng, C. D. et al. (2004) Use of ELISA to identify Protoceratium reticulatum as a source of yessotoxin in Norway. Toxicon, 44, 75-82...
The red-tide dinoflagellate Protoceratium reticulatum is shown to be protected against turbulence-associated damage by the use of the additives Pluronic F68 (PF68) and carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) in the culture medium. Relative to agitated controls, these additives had a dose-dependent protective ...
R. 1997. Light and electron microscopical observations on Protoceratium reticulatum (Dinophyceae). Arch. Protistenk. 147: 381- 91.Hansen G., Moestrup O. and Roberts K.R. 1996/97. Light and electron microscopical observations on Protoceratium reticulatum (Dinophyceae). Arch. Protistenkd. 147:...