打开命令行工具。 输入protoc --version命令。 检查输出是否为protoc的版本号。如果是,则表示protoc已成功安装并可用。如果上述步骤中protoc --version命令仍然返回“command not found”错误,请再次检查环境变量的设置是否正确,并确保protoc的安装路径已正确添加到环境变量中。
protoc: command not found I've tried a bunch of stuff and it's not working. Using Windows. From readme : If you don't already have protoc installed, you will have to download it first from here.https://github.com/protocolbuffers/protobuf/releases ...
命令 (base) ➜ pb protoc --go_out=. helloworld.proto 1. 报错信息 MAC m1 环境下 protoc-gen-go: program not found or is not executable Please specify a program using absolute path or make sure the program is available in your PATH system variable --go_out: protoc-gen-go: Plugin fail...
无法在Windows上安装协议 、、、 我在构建protoc jar时发现了问题,protoc jar是用来从proto文件生成java类文件的。在将项目设置到可以从.proto文件生成java类文件的级别上,我将非常感谢任何类型的指导或帮助我已经从导入了以下项目,但在项目目录中找不到protoc.exe文件。 项目本身抱怨无法引用某些类。 ...
Output: protoc-gen-pyi: program not found or is not executable --pyi_out: protoc-gen-pyi: Plugin failed with status code 1. I have exactly the same libs installed under Windows, and there it works. How is that possible? 👀 1 v...
windows系统下etcd的安装与使用:https://blog.csdn.net/skh2015java/article/details/80712214 window10下go语言开发环境搭建,及体验go-zero框架,及解决command not found: goctl:https://blog.csdn.net/as4589sd/article/details/112464882 安装使用goctl:https://blog.csdn.net/a6652162/article/details/114637052...
No, since you're on a Linux machine both the link in the README and the instructions in BUILDING are the same. BUILDING just helps people running Windows with the MinGW toolchain (because this is not officially supported by gRPC but it's what we use here). ...
windows系统下etcd的安装与使用:https://blog.csdn.net/skh2015java/article/details/80712214 window10下go语言开发环境搭建,及体验go-zero框架,及解决command not found: goctl:https://blog.csdn.net/as4589sd/article/details/112464882 安装使用goctl:https://blog.csdn.net/a6652162/article/details/114637052...
--go_out: protoc-gen-go: Plugin failed with status code 1. here's the command i ran: protoc -I %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Projects/go/gateway/protobuf --go_out=plugins=grpc:%GOPATH%/bin/protoc-gen-go %USERPROFILE%/Documents/Projects/go/gateway/protobuf/protobuf.proto...