Windows:在“系统属性”中的“高级”选项卡下点击“环境变量”按钮,然后在“系统变量”区域找到Path变量并编辑它,将protobuf编译器的路径添加到其中。 验证protobuf编译器是否可以在命令行中正确调用: 最后,你需要验证protobuf编译器是否可以在命令行中正确调用。再次运行protoc --version命令,如果系统返回了版本信息,...
version: 3.11.4, detected platform: windows-x86_64 (windows 8.1/amd64) protoc-jar: embedded: bin/3.11.4/protoc-3.11.4-windows-x86_64.exe protoc-jar: executing: [C:\cygwin64\tmp\protocjar6721276946617095290\bin\protoc.exe, --version] libprotoc 3.11.4 $ java -jar protoc-jar-3.11.4.jar...
The Gradle plugin requires Java 8+ and Gradle 5.6+. It runs on recent versions of MacOS, Linux, and Windows.The runtime and generated code are compatible with Kotlin 1.8+, Java 8+, and Android 4.4+.UsageSee examples in testing.Gradleplugins { id("com.toasttab.protokt") version "<...
启动项目调试,报如下错误 Error: Google.Protobuf.Tools cannot determine host OS and CPU. Use environment variables PROTOBUF_TOOLS_OS={linux|macosx|windows} and PROTOBUF_TOOLS_CPU={x86|x64} to try the closest match to your system. You may also set PROTOBUF_PROTOC to specify full path to...
Environment Windows 10 CMake 3.16.2 Visual Studio 2019 vcpkg on commit (62fe6ff) This might be related to #7157, but as that issue has long since been closed I am creating a new issue. I am getting a similar issue on my end with protobuf... enabled source code highlighting for PHP Oct 1, 2012 Rakefile Initial version of a Phar archive builder Feb 2, 2012 composer.json Update composer.json May 23, 2013 package.pear Added Rakefile and pear package template Jun 25, 2011 protoc-gen-php.bat Fixed to run on Windows Feb...
Under windows, use theofficial protobuf binaries. Then, install the gem: gem install protobuf-closure-library When using this gem with rails, tryyellow-brick-road. Usage require 'protobuf-closure-library' ProtobufClosureLibrary::ProtocJs.compile input_proto_file, output_dir, { generator_options...
3.下载下来的压缩包解压到windows下php/ext/目录下,将扩展解压释放 4.在php.ini 首先解压,把protoc.exe文件放到path路径中,最简单的做法就是把这个文件拷贝到C:/WINDOWS目录下。解压protobuf-2.3.0.zip文件,将文件加压到C盘根目录,主文件位于C:/protobuf-2.3.0/protobu ...