我属于持有第二种看法的人,原PC的class名称和message名称不一致而且不简短,class的函数名称也是不够简洁。原PC遵循New BSD License,所以为了达到目的---我直接把PC的源码修改了。 我往常的惯例,欢迎大家有问题或者疑问随时跟我联系,我的email是alexstocks@foxmail.com。 我的测试用例也一并上传,请点击这里下载。 请...
README LicenseOverviewThis is protobuf-c, a C implementation of the Google Protocol Buffers data serialization format. It includes libprotobuf-c, a pure C library that implements protobuf encoding and decoding, and protoc-c, a code generator that converts Protocol Buffer .proto files to C des...
README LicenseOverviewThis is protobuf-c, a C implementation of the Google Protocol Buffers data serialization format. It includes libprotobuf-c, a pure C library that implements protobuf encoding and decoding, and protoc-c, a code generator that converts Protocol Buffer .proto files to C des...
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writ...
include ‘LICENSE’ into ‘META-INF’ } } // 写入到MANIFEST.MF中的内容 jar { manifest { attributes( ‘Created-By’: “{System.properties[‘java.vendor’]} ${System.properties[‘java.vm.version’]})”.toString(),‘Built-By’: ‘travis’, ...
LICENSE Bump copyright years to 2023 11个月前 Makefile.am Makefile.am: Remove conditional BUILD_PROTO3 rules 1年前 README.md Migrate from TravisCI to GitHub actions 4年前 TODO TODO: Remove items that have been completed 10年前 autogen.sh ...
Protocol Buffers is a software project by Google that is used extensively internally and also released under an Open Source license. It provides a way of encoding structured data in an efficient yet extensible format. Google formally supports APIs for C++, Java and Python.This vignette describes ...
LICENSE Bump copyright years to 2023 1年前 Makefile.am Makefile.am: Remove conditional BUILD_PROTO3 rules 1年前 README.md Migrate from TravisCI to GitHub actions 4年前 TODO TODO: Remove items that have been completed 10年前 autogen.sh ...