It looks like I am receiving this error: Execution failed for task ':app:generateDebugProto'. > protoc: stdout: . stderr: Missing output directives. I believe I have correctly configured both my project and app level gradles: project gra...
This is a poor choice if the generated code co-exists with other code in the same package, as disabling the check on this scale risks missing genuine offenders. A more appropriate solution might be to use a//lint:ignore(or possibly//lint:file-ignore) directive to ignore the specific import...
stream handlers provide a simple mechanism for parallelization of streaming data processing. When parallel functions are written, you must useopenmpcompiler directives for coordination and process control (for instance, tagging output stanzas as#pragma omp criticalensures proper ordering of the output....
protobuf Can you try to use-Dprotobuf_ABSL_PROVIDER=packageand then set-DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATHto the path where you have installed abseil? Will try however looks like in tis case issue is about ta...