Message missing required fields: stepValidateRequest.numberOfParameters [ValidationError] D:QTPCOAUTOITspecs est.spec:41 Connection closed [] cause: read tcp> wsarecv: An existing connection was forcibly...
除了一些基本的required=True, type类型外,还会遇到一些校验,比如是否为空,字符串长度,以及一些自定义...
When the required field is switched to optional, the error moves to the next required field. The error retains even if all the message fields are made optional> < message IR{ required uint32 start1= 1; required uint32 start2= 2; required uint32 start3= 3; required uint32 start4= 4;...
// Write a protocol buffer of this message to the given output. Returns // false on a write error. If the message is missing required fields, // this may GOOGLE_CHECK-fail. boolSerializeToCodedStream(io::CodedOutputStream*output)const; boolSerializePartialToCodedStream(io::CodedOutputStream*...
("2333"); // 现在已经是CBuilder对象了,不再是ABuilder,所以调用build()也是CBuilder的方法 // safe System.out.println(aBuilder.buildPartial()); aBuilder.clearA(); // Exception in thread "main" Message missing required fields: a // System.out...
1、限定修饰符介绍 required\optional\repeated,之前给定的博客已经有这个介绍了我也不多说。这里把一些小玩儿拿出来讲讲 ①、required必须的字段,假设不赋值就会抛出 Message missing required fields: ...异常 ...
// Quickly check if all required fields have values set. virtual bool IsInitialized() const = 0; // This is not implemented for Lite messages -- it just returns "(cannot // determine missing fields for lite message)". However, it is implemented ...
更厉害的是,PB友好的支持字段拓展,拓展后的代码,依然能够正确的读取原来格式编码的数据。3.定义协议格式 首先需要创建一个.proto文件。非常简单,每一个需要序列化的数据结构,编码一个PB message,然后为message中的字段指明一个名字和类型即可。该“通讯簿”的.proto文件addressbook.proto定义如下:
[Expert Info (Warning/Protocol): missing required field 'missingRequiredField'] If you change the 'add_default_value' option to [all] "All", the detail will be: ...User Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 52545, Dst Port: 8128Protocol Buffers (Message: wireshark.protobuf.test.TestDefaultValue...
原因是不同类型的required字段都有初始默认值,string默认为空“ ”、int32为0、bool默认为false。 repeated字段需手动设置数组大小: 在simple.proto中手动设置repeatID字段最大为5, 消息结构体中,该字段定义如下: typedef struct _SimpleMessage { pb_size_t repeatID_count; int32 repeatID[5]; } SimpleMessag...