This will create the following folders under theinstalllocation: bin - that contains protobufprotoc.execompiler; include - that contains C++ headers and protobuf *.proto files; lib - that contains linking libraries andCMakeconfiguration files forprotobufpackage. Now you can if needed: Copy the co...
命令执行完成,将自动生成proto文件对应的python文件。 # Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT! # source: addressbook.proto import sys _b=sys.version_info[0]<3 and (lambda x:x) or (lambda x:x.encode('latin1')) from google.protobuf import descriptor as ...
file google\protobuf\ (for module google.protobuf.descriptor_pb2) not found package init file 'google\protobuf\compiler\' not found (or not a regular file) 查看该目录下的Reademe.txt,才知道python需要用到C++编译后的某些接口,于是乎,用vs2010将protobuf 项目打开并...
下载protobuf Buffers 2.5.0 compiler -- Windows binary ->protoc.exe 编译使用Protocol Buffers 2.5.0 ful... 转载 mob604756f80175 2013-08-29 12:25:00 126阅读 2评论 Windows下protobuf3安装小记 layout: posttitle: “Windows下protobuf...
在执行 mvn package 的安装过程中可能遇到如下的异常: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project protobuf-java: Compilation failure [ERROR] No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on ...
在执行 mvn package 的安装过程中可能遇到如下的异常: [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:3.10.1:compile (default-compile) on project protobuf-java: Compilation failure[ERROR] No compiler is provided in this environment. Perhaps you are running on a JRE ...
Host Environment OS: Windows 10 21H1 (Build 19043.1348) Compiler: Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.00.23506 for x64 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: ./vcpkg install protobuf Failure logs C:\vcpkg>vcpkg inst...
Host Environment OS: Windows 10 Compiler: MSVC 2017 To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: ./vcpkg install protobuf:x64-windows Failure logs -- Building x64-windows-dbg CMake Error at scripts/cmake/vcpkg_execute_build_process.cmak...
项目打开并完整让其生成成功,然后将vsprojects\google\protobuf下的compiler复制到python\google\protobuf下。 ok,Processing dependencies for protobuf==2.5.0 Finished processing dependencies for protobuf==2.5.0 执行成功 以后需要用到google protobuf ,只需将python下的google拷贝到相应目录下(这个步骤也可以用添...
source\src\google\protobuf\compiler\cpp\ // 方法:FileGenerator::GenerateSourceIncludes format( "// Generated by the protocol buffer compiler. DO NOT EDIT!\n" "// source: $filename$\n"+ "\n"+ "// Disable UE4 VS warnings\n"+ "#ifdef _MSC_VER\n"+ "#\tpragma warning(disabl...