The prefix (proto-) means before, primary, first, primitive, or original. It is derived from the Greekprôtosmeaning first. Examples: Protoblast(proto -blast) - a cell in the early stages of development that differentiates to form anorganor part. Also called a blastomere. Protobiology(prot...
Posteriorcomes from the Latin wordposterus, meaning "coming after."Posterioris often used as a technical term in biology and medicine to refer to the back side of things, and is the opposite of anterior, which refers to the front side. For example, as more people took up running as a s...
Posteriorcomes from the Latin wordposterus, meaning "coming after."Posterioris often used as a technical term in biology and medicine to refer to the back side of things, and is the opposite of anterior, which refers to the front side. For example, as more people took up running as a s...
Posteriorcomes from the Latin wordposterus, meaning "coming after."Posterioris often used as a technical term in biology and medicine to refer to the back side of things, and is the opposite of anterior, which refers to the front side. For example, as more people took up running as a s...