Forseveraldecades,nephrologistshavewonderedwhetherproteinuriaisaresultofpodocytefootprocesseffacement or thecauseof it. 几十年来,肾科医生对蛋白尿到底是足细胞足突消失的结果还是起因充满了好奇。 3. ConclusionithasgoodeffectofusingBailingcapsuletotreatchronicnephritisproteinuriaand canbewidely us...
To determine whether symptomatic or asymptomatic UTI causesproteinuriaor albuminuria. 目的:确定症状性或无症状性UTI是否会导致蛋白尿或微量白蛋白尿. 互联网 These women, however, do not haveproteinuria, edema, or convulsions. 但这种患者通常不会伴有蛋白尿, 水肿或痉挛症状. ...
proteinuria是什么意思 音标: 英 [,prәuti:n'juәriә, ,prәutiin-] n. 蛋白尿 [化] 蛋白尿 n the presence of excessive protein (chiefly albumin but also globulin) in the urine; usually a symptom of kidney disorder 以上参考资料就是本英汉词典详细汇总的单词proteinuria的翻译英语含义,如...
proteinuria英音: [prəuti:n'juəriə, prəutiin-] 美音: [prəuti:n'juəriə, prəutiin-] 名词[医]蛋白尿(症)英英释义 the presence of excessive protein (chiefly albumin but also globulin) in the urine; usually a symptom of kidney disorder ...
functional proteinuria功能性蛋白尿 nonselective proteinuria非选择性蛋白尿 postkinetic proteinuria运动后蛋白尿 Bence Jones proteinuria【医】 本斯·琼斯氏蛋白尿 edema,proteinuria,hypertension syndrome水肿、蛋白尿、高血压综合征 相似单词 proteinurian. [医]蛋白尿(症) ...
英文 proteinuria 中文 n. 蛋白尿【化】 蛋白尿【医】 蛋白尿[症]最新查询: protein-carboh protein-free c proteinaceous proteinase proteinate proteinemia proteinic proteinivorous proteinochromo proteinogen proteinogenous proteinogenous proteinoid proteinophobia proteinotherap proteinous proteinphobia protein...
蛋白尿Proteinuriappt课件 下载积分: 666 内容提示: 蛋白尿(Proteinuria )白亚玲 文档格式:PPTX | 页数:33 | 浏览次数:4 | 上传日期:2025-01-16 13:02:21 | 文档星级: 蛋白尿(Proteinuria )白亚玲 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 8 p. 主治医师聘用考核表工作总结(3篇) 4 p. 防腐岗位职责(3...
This patient should take good care of himself since he has proteinuria. 这位患者患有蛋白尿,需要好好调理。 The severity of proteinuria was not correpondent to the severity of diabetic retinopathy. 蛋白尿的严重性与网膜变化的严重程度并不一致。