After using the Proteintech PL00001 Prestained Protein Marker, I found the color-coded bands to be its standout feature. Each band is brightly colored and distinct, making it incredibly easy to track the gel’s progress in real time and identify molecular weights without additional staining. This...
蛋白质常规分子量标记(Prestained Protein marker, PL00001)为即用型产品,内含10条预先染色的蛋白质条带,蛋白组分涵盖10 kDa至180 kDa(在Bis-Tris(MOPS)缓冲液中为9 kDa至170 kDa;在Bis-Tris(MES)缓冲液中为10 kDa至170 kDa)。本产品经电泳(Tris-Glycine缓冲液)分离后,10条参考条带分别于蓝色、绿色或红色发...
(WB) 考马斯亮蓝染色液 / 脱色液 Western Blot 半干法 / 湿法转膜液 货号 查询 PK10026 货号 PL00001 PL00002 PL00003 货号 查询 货号 查询 货号 查询 货号 PR20003 PK10005 查询 查询 · 免疫沉淀(IP/Co-IP/ChIP) IP 试剂盒 产品名称 免疫沉淀试剂盒(HRP 标记蛋白 A) 免疫沉淀试剂盒(HRP- 抗兔 IgG...
PL00001 and PL00002 4ul protein ladders were loaded in the gel with concentration 8%-18%. After Electrophoresis, the protein on the gel were transformed into the PVDF membrane. This image was taken by the iBright.* Free sample available as 20ul Prestained Protein Marker (PL00001) only. The...
Proteintech 推荐 4-PL 四参数拟合,通常用 4-PL 拟合的相关系数 R2 会比直线拟合,双对数拟合的更好。您可以用 Origin, ELISACalc 等软件来实现此功能,它适用于大部分的 ELISA 标曲拟合。 4 第7页 5 ELISA 原理 酶联免疫吸附试验 (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay,ELISA) 是目前应用比...
(10-180kDa) PL00001 宽范围分子量预染蛋白质标记 (3-245kDa) PL00002 超宽分子量预染蛋白质标记 (10-310kDa) PL00003 普通 ECL 化学发光检测试剂盒 灵敏 ECL 化学发光检测试剂盒 B500012/ B500013/B500014 B500022/ B500023/B500024 超敏 ECL 化学发光检测试剂盒 B500032/ B500033/B500034 PBS ...
(Binds to FLAG® tag epitope) (Proteintech, 20543-1-AP) and Nano-Secondary® alpaca anti-human IgG/anti-rabbit IgG, recombinant VHH, Alexa Fluor® 488 [CTK0101, CTK0102] (srbAF488-1). L: Prestained protein marker (Proteintech, PL00001), I: Input, FT: Flow-Through, E: Elution....
Print datasheet ¥920/2x250 μL Cat No.PL00003 库存:现货 Size 染料颜色 3 colors (Blue, Red, Green) Documentation MSDS Extra Range Prestained Protein Marker Publications ApplicationTitle Cell Death Dis EGFR/MET promotes hepatocellular carcinoma metastasis by stabilizing tumor cells and resisting to...
Very good protein and economical marker, same as PL00001 but with a few extra bands. 1 ul loaded on a SDS PAGE gel and transferred to nitrocellulose are enough for a clear detection of all the sizes. Of note: the pink marker (75 kDa) is not detected in the LICOR IR680 or IR800 ch...
库存:现货 SKU/Size ClassRecombinant HostAlpaca Affinity (KD)Dissociation constant KDof 2 nM Compatibility with mass spectrometryThe Halo-Trap is optimized for on-bead digestion. For the application note, please click here:On-bead digest protocol for mass spectrometry ...