Cat No.10201-2-AP 浓度:600 ug/ml 库存:现货 点击咨询售前客服 点击咨询售后客服 WB UV-B irradiation-activated E3 ligase GmILPA1 modulates gibberellin catabolism to increase plant height in soybean human Nat Commun Stabilization of Pin1 by USP34 promotes Ubc9 isomerization and protein sumoylation ...
1. reducing conditions2. non-reducing conditions Applications:Western Blot, Primary Antibody Dilution:1/1000 Cell Tissue Type:ST cells (porcine) ubiquitin Antibody Western Blot, validation (1/1000 dilution) in ST cells (porcine) (Cat no:10201-2-AP)...
ubiquitin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody 10201-2-AP CoraLite® Plus 488 ubiquitin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody CL488-10201 ubiquitin Rabbit Recombinant antibody 80992-1-PBS ubiquitin Rabbit Recombinant antibody 80992-1-RR ubiquitin Rabbit Polyclonal antibody 10201-2-AP CoraLite® Plus 488 ubiquitin Rabbit Pol...
TDP-43 Antibody Immunofluorescence validation (1:100 dilution) in Neuron (Cat no:10782-2-AP) FH Marina (Verified Customer) (10-25-2020) TDP43 in human primary fibroblasts. Loading: 10 ug in LB with DTT. TGX 4-15% gel. Blocking: 1h 3% BSA in PBST (0.1% tween). Primary ab ...
iNOS Antibody Immunohistochemistry validation (1:250 dilution) in skin (Cat no:18985-1-AP) FH Xie (Verified Customer) (10-06-2021) Works nice for WB assay. Applications:Western Blot Primary Antibody Dilution:1:500 Cell Tissue Type:RAW 264.7 ...
Cat No.14730-1-AP Freight/Packing:-- Country/Region Please contact our China branch Proteintech Guarantee Request bulk or custom quote Cell Tissue Type:Breast cancer and colorectal cancer cell lines UCH-L1/PGP9.5 Antibody Western Blot validation (1:2000 dilution) in Breast cancer and colorectal ...
Cat no :14497-1-AP Synonyms ESCRT I complex subunit TSG101, TSG10, TSG101, tumor susceptibility gene 101, VPS23 Print datasheet MSDS Validation Data Gallery Filter: AllWBIPIHCIF WB analysis using 14497-1-AP Various lysates were subjected to SDS PAGE followed by western blot with 14497-1-...