The heart of protein synthesis (and what you’ll most likely see on a protein synthesis worksheet) is the codon table. It helps us work through translation to understand the amino acids the mRNA is prescribing. For example, if you want to know what the codon CAA translates to, you’ll u...
This pack of four worksheets is designed to be visually appealing for A Level students to learn and revise the DNA and protein synthesis topic. The worksheet pack includes: 1.) Worksheet on DNA and RNA structure and their key differences 2.) Worksheet on DNA replication 3a.) Worksheet ...
Protein Analysis Worksheet (PAWS, v6.1.1)3 was used to identify amino acid sequences in the Fpg protein with masses equal to the observed mass of the peptide portion of the complex. Edman Degradation of the Covalent Intermediate The NaBH4 reaction mixture was added to an equal amount of SDS...
EVT 223.120507 The Biotechnology Education Company® • 1-800-EDVOTEK • 17 223 Experiment Transformation with Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) Study Questions Answer the following study questions in your laboratory notebook or on a separate worksheet. 1. Exogenous DNA does not...
Signals were marked for evaluation by ‘blind’ measurers (not knowing which samples they were measuring); signal length was measured using the Image J software (open source from National Cancer Institute, NIH) followed by automatic compilation of signal lengths into an Excel worksheet. Replication ...