Protein sprouty homolog 3 Protein sprouty homolog 2 Protein sprouty homolog 1 Protein patched homolog 1 Regulator of cell cycle RGCC Complement factor H-related protein 3 Complement component C9 Complement component C8 beta chain Complement component C7 ...
We conducted a time-course transcriptome analysis after BCR or CD40 stimulation and identified the following four candidate genes as feedback regulators for IKK and ERK: inhibitor of apoptosis protein (), TNF alpha-induced protein 3, dual-specificity phosphatase 5 and sprouty homolog 2. Quantitative...
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 3-alpha Small ribosomal subunit protein uS2 Laminin subunit beta-4 Laminin subunit beta-3 Laminin subunit beta-2 Laminin subunit beta-1 Laminin subunit alpha-1 Protein sprouty homolog 3 Protein sprouty homolog 2 Protein sprouty homolog 1 ...
SPRY4, CT (Protein Sprouty Homolog 4, Spry-4) 供应商 MyBioSource 产品货号 MBS629641 产品报价 ¥询价/0.2mL ¥询价/5x0.2mL ¥询价/其它规格 产品说明书 点击查看 购买方式 MyBioSource中国区金牌代理,部分产品现货库存。银行转账、电汇、支票、现金,在线支付宝及网银支付,或直接与我们电话联系400-6800-86...
Alterna- tively, expression of the negative feedback effectors of the ERK1/2 pathway may be lost so that Ras is hyperactivated and promotes resistance to PLX4720.47 Consistent with the latter possibility, Sprouty2, a negative regulator of Ras/ERK1/2 Cell Death and Differentiation pathway,48 ...
Sprouty proteins have been shown to directly interact with Cbl proteins via two potentially cooperative interactions. The N-terminal region corresponding to residues 11–53 of human Sprouty 2 directly binds to RF domain of Cbl [168]. Stimulation of RTKs, such as EGFR or FGFR, also promotes ...
/or Gab1 to prolong Ras activation37; it could also dephosphorylate CSK binding sites on Paxillin to sequentially activate Src and Ras38; SHP2 may mediate the dephosphorylation of the negative Ras regulator Sprouty to activate the Ras-ERK signaling pathway39,40; finally, SHP2 could act as an...
SPRY4-Y75 (SPRY4, Protein sprouty homolog 4) (APC) 基本情報More.. 英語化学名:SPRY4-Y75 (SPRY4, Protein sprouty homolog 4) (APC) 化学名:SPRY4-Y75 (SPRY4, Protein sprouty homolog 4) (APC) 别名: SPRY4-Y75 (SPRY4, Protein sprouty homolog 4) (APC) CAS番号: 分子式: 分子量:0...
Activity of FGF is also inhibited by members of the Sprouty family and Sprouty-related EVH1 domain-containing proteins (SPRED) that antagonize Ras signaling induced by receptor Tyr kinase FGFR. 64. A.k.a. MEKK8, tumor progression locus-2 (TPL2), cancer Osaka thyroid proto-oncogene product (...
spry1 NM_011896 Sprouty homolog 1 (Drosophila) − 12.50 2 − 11.11 3 − 11.76 atf3 NM_007498 Activating transcription factor 3 − 11.11 8 − 12.50 14 − 11.76 icam1 NM_010493 Intercellular adhesion molecule − 11.11 3 − 11.11 10 − 11.11 csf1r NM_007779 Colony stimulating...