Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow is extremely useful for isolation of immune complexes.The potential applications of protein G include practically all of the current and projected applications of protein A. Protein G and protein A, however, have different IgG binding, specificities, dependent on the...
2. Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 能够在一个很广泛的 pH 范围内结合抗体,并且在中性 pH 时结合能力最强。 3. GE healthcare 的 protein G 配基是从大肠杆菌中重组表达的,去除了白蛋白结合结构域,避免了白蛋白的非特异性结合,这在提高产品质量方面是一个很好的帮助。 用于实验室规模的纯化时,Protein G S...
Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 英文名称 Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow 中文名称 重组蛋白G亲和层析柱 保存条件 Store at 2-8℃. 产品介绍应用于IgG纯化,每毫升柱体积可结合IgG:人 >25mg;兔>20 mg;羊>25 mg;小鼠>6 mg;重组蛋白G与Sepharose 4B为饱和结合。
Protein G Sepharose Fast Flow is recombinant protein G coupled to Sepharose 4 Fast Flow resin. High binding capacity: approximately 20 mg human IgG per mL resin Broad-spectrum: binds to a broad range of IgG species and subclasses Complements Protein A resins: unlike...
hybridoma cells were inoculated intraperitoneally into pristane-injected female BALB/c nu/nu mice, resulting in the production of ascitic fluid containing the desired mAbs. The IgG fraction was purified from the ascitic fluid using Protein G Sepharose 4 Fast Flow (GE Healthcare, Princeton, NJ)....
所在地:中国大陆 产品型号: 简单介绍:ProteinGFastFlowSepharose4凡在我公司购买科研试剂产品均可享受免费的技术咨询服务,专业销售生物、生化、化学试剂、ELISA试剂盒,Amrecso原装试剂、医药中间体等试剂多年,品质卓越,价格实惠,技术严格,售后完善,赢得广大客户的认可。欢迎来电订购优势产品! 在线询价相关...
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coli BL21 cells from the pDYH24 plasmid and purified with glutathione sepharose (GE Healthcare). PUD-1/2 heterodimers were purified on a HisTrap column followed by gel filtration. Stock solutions of model proteins were individually buffer exchanged into 20 mM HEPES, pH 8.0 by ultrafiltration....
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