The increasing size and length of string pattern of motif is issued a problem related to modeling and optimization of gene selection process. In this paper we give a survey of protein-DNA binding using association rule mining. Association rule mining well known data mining technique for pattern ...
the HLH motif is used to bind another protein of a DNA-binding complex, such as the Mre11/Rad50 complex involved inDNA repair(see Focus on Relevant Research). DNA binding is due to a basic region just in front of the first α-helix. Proteins with both the HTH andHLH motifsusually bin...
Protein-RNA interaction Binding motif Generator Long short-term memory network 1. Introduction Interactions between proteins and nucleic acids are involved in many biological processes such as transcription, RNA processing, and translation. A variety of in vitro and in vivo experimental methods have been...
8F)34. Overall, these in vitro analyses provide biochemical support for the hypothesis that some chromatin remodelers and modifiers can bind G4 DNA sequences in a G-quadruplex preferential manner. Fig. 2 A motif survey identifies SWI/SNF and ISWI factors binding to G4-quadruplex structures. a...
This DNA binding domain contains a novel DNA binding motif: when no more than 21 amino acids at either the N- or C-terminal end of the binding domain are deleted, the majority of the DNA binding activity is lost. The concomitant presence of both terminal sequences is mandatory for binding...
Predicting protein–DNA binding specificity is a challenging yet essential task for understanding gene regulation. Protein–DNA complexes usually exhibit binding to a selected DNA target site, whereas a protein binds, with varying degrees of binding spec
RNA Binding Motif Protein 14 (RBM14) (N-Term) 抗体 公司简介 上海钰博生物科技有限公司是2012年5月由“海归”组成的创业团队与两个专业投资机构发起成立的,以开发生产科研试剂和特色检验产品为方向,经过两年多的努力,已经建立了免疫学和分子生物学的五个技术平台,开发了ELISA/ELISpot酶联免疫试剂盒、重组蛋白、...
DNA–protein interactions, among all the types of interactions between different molecules, are of considerable importance. Currently, with the development of numerous experimental techniques, diverse methods are convenient for recognition and investigating such interactions. While the traditional experimental ...
protein that binds the DNA as a dimer. Each monomer binds to an operator half site. The amino-terminal domain ofλrepressor is responsible for DNA binding and the carboxy-terminal domain is primarily responsible for dimerization [59]. Each monomer contains a typical helix-turn-helix motif found...
We have applied the Seeder discriminative DNA motif discovery algorithm to an in-depth analysis of SSP gene promoters from Brassicaceae, Fabaceae and Poaceae. Most discovered motifs match experimentally characterized cis-regulatory element consensus sequences, which strongly supports the validity of the di...