土壤盐渍化是目前农业生产面临的主要问题之一,同时种子萌发转绿作为植物幼苗形态建成的基础对盐胁迫最为敏感.本研究以Col-0、Ler野生型拟南芥和osr1短根突变体拟南芥为试验材料,通过图位克隆方法得到调控根生长的DAR2(DA 1-Related Protein2)基因.本研究利用RT-PCR方法,发现生长10d的Col-0幼苗在200 mmol·L-1氯化...
1, S1). ACBD3 is structurally related to ACBD6, but instead of ankyrin-repeats the protein possesses a β-strand-rich GOLD domain in its C-terminal region, which can facilitate interactions with other proteins and may be used to stabilize peripheral membrane proteins at intracellular membranes...
Milk proteins and milk protein-derived peptides have been widely studied for their health enhancing properties. This chapter presents the updated scientific knowledge on the bioactive properties of milk protein-derived peptides. The different bioactive p
Dysbindin-1 may have diverse functions. Among these are the promotion of cell growth and proliferation, protection against neuronal apoptosis, facilitation of axon, dendrite, and dendritic spine growth, regulation of AP-3 cargo transport to lysosome-related organelles (including reserve pool synaptic ...
Serine/threonine-protein kinase SMG1 简称 SMG-1||hSMG-1 别名 ATX, KIAA0421, LIP, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase 其他名 61E3.4Lambda/iota protein kinase C-interacting protein From Uniport SMG1 基因家族蛋白 Armadillo-like helical domain containing ...
Related Subjects Protein translocation Latest Research and Reviews Phosphate-dependent nuclear export via a non-classical NES class recognized by exportin Msn5 Structural and biochemical studies by Fung et al. explain the phosphate-specific nuclear export mechanism of Pho4 by yeast exportin Msn5, reveal...
Mass (Da)646256430264192 SequenceHuman NR1D2 protein sequenceMouse NR1D2 protein sequenceRat NR1D2 protein sequence NR1D2 Protein Molecular Weight & PI Nuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 2 (Orphan nuclear hormone receptor BD73) (Rev-erb alpha-related receptor) (RVR) (Rev-erb-beta...
et al. Role of protein phosphorylation in the regulation of cell cycle and DNA-related processes in bacteria. Front. Microbiol. 7, 184 (2016). Article PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Nguyen, K. B. et al. Phosphorylation of spore coat proteins by a family of atypical protein kinases...
Human G protein-coupled receptor and modulators thereof for the treatment of atherosclerosis and atherosclerotic disease and for the treatment of conditions related to MCP-1 expression. WO Patent 2007/027661 (A2) (2007). Topping, D. L. & Clifton, P. M. Short-chain fatty acids and human ...