Prices may be subject to local taxes which are calculated during checkout Additional access options: Log in Learn about institutional subscriptions Read our FAQs Contact customer support Similar content being viewed by others Control of protein stability by post-translational modifications Article ...
(a) The calculated Ploegaarrsiothn'ms ciocrvraelluaetisoonfctoheefkfiocniefrnotmis KMC simulations 0.8. The red line is show from a high linear correlation with the experimental data, and the regression fit between simulated and observed tlvcoooaglriu1dr0eeeklsnoa,nttwiivofiayntlhpucoeaos...
Signals were normalized for transfection efficiency relative to the level of EGFP expression on the same slide and the mean value from replicate spots was calculated for each sample.Abbreviations PPI: protein-protein interaction DBD: DNA binding domain AD: activating domain CAPPIA: cell array ...
we monitored a large-scale population of the insect and surveyed a 24-hour fluctuation in leaf colonies. A total of 1,200 uniform individuals of apterous and agamicM. persicaefemales were monitored in four repetitions of the experiments for plants treated with EVP and HrpNEa, respectively...
Release or uptake was calculated as arterial-to-venous difference and production/clearance was calculated as the arterial-to-venous difference multiplied with plasma flow. These curves were further evaluated according to the area under the curve by t-test as were the in vitro data. The statistical...
The rate of net ATP-dependent transport (right, ▴) was calculated by subtracting transport in the presence of 5′-AMP as a blank from transport in the presence of ATP. Right inset: Immunodetection of MRP5 in the sarcolemma vesicles (40 μg of total protein) and V79/MRP5 membrane ...
The aim of this study was to determine the effects of creatine supplementation on kidney function in resistance-trained individuals ingesting a high-protein diet. Methods A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial was performed. The participants were randomly allocated to receive either creatin...
Total chlorophyll was calculated as chlorophyll a + chlorophyll b (mg g-1 fresh weight) using the following formula: Chla mg g-1 = [(12.7 × Abs663) – (2.6 × Abs645)] × ml acetone mg-1 fresh tissue; Chlb mg g-1 = [(22.9 × Abs645) – (4.68 × Abs663)] ...
Analysis of 24-h urinary urea and creatinine was performed in a single assay at a commercial laboratory (IMVS, Adelaide, SA, Australia). Creatinine clearance was calculated as (urine creatinine (μmol l−1)× urine volume (ml))/(plasma creatinine (μmol l−1)× minutes) and ...
Pairwise sequence identity matrices of predicted fold-switching/single-folding CTDs were calculated using Geneious. The alignments for these sequences were first manually curated to remove sequences that did not align well with the majority; manually curated alignments retained at least 98% of all ...