Define protege. protege synonyms, protege pronunciation, protege translation, English dictionary definition of protege. a person under the protection, patronage, or tutelage of another: a protégé of the concertmaster Not to be confused with: prodigy –
The meaning of PROTÉGÉ is one who is protected or trained or whose career is furthered by a person of experience, prominence, or influence. How to use protégé in a sentence.
aA combination of heating and cooling operations applied to a metal or alloy in the solid state to obtain desired conditions or properties. Heating for the sole purpose of hot working is excluded from the meaning of this definition. 热化和冷却的操作的组合在固态适用于金属或合金获得期望情况或物产...
Define proteges. proteges synonyms, proteges pronunciation, proteges translation, English dictionary definition of proteges. a person under the protection, patronage, or tutelage of another: a protégé of the concertmaster Not to be confused with: prodi
Define Proteges of Captain Cook. Proteges of Captain Cook synonyms, Proteges of Captain Cook pronunciation, Proteges of Captain Cook translation, English dictionary definition of Proteges of Captain Cook. Noun 1. James Cook - English navigator who claime