如需詳細資訊,請 參閱在 Windows 裝置上建立網路界限。應用程式防護 僅適用於 64 位 Windows 裝置。 使用此設定檔會安裝 Win32 元件來啟用 應用程式防護。應用程式防護 預設:未設定 應用程式防護 CSP:Settings/AllowWindowsDefenderApplicationGuard 啟用Edge - 開啟此功能,以在 Hyper-V 虛擬化...
Microsoft Defender 中的防病毒軟體 Windows 10 使用多管控方法來改善反惡意代碼:竄改校訂可協助 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體本身防範惡意代碼攻擊。 例如,Microsoft Defender 防毒軟體使用受保護的處理程序,來阻止不受信任的處理程序嘗試竄改 Microsoft Defender 防毒軟體元件、其登錄機碼等等。 (本主題後續將說明受保護...
Note:Scan options was calledRun a new advanced scanin early versions of Windows 10. Manage your Virus & threat protection settings UseVirus & threat protection settingswhen you want to customize your level of protection, send sample files to Microsoft, exclude trusted files and folders from repeat...
In Windows Security, select Virus & threat protection and then under Virus & threat protection settings, select Manage settings. Change the Tamper Protection setting to On or Off. Note: Tamper Protection is turned on by default. If you turn off Tamper Protection, you will see a yellow...
Microsoft Defender Antivirus settings, including real-time protection and cloud-delivered protection. If Tamper Protection is turned on and you're an administrator on your computer, you can still change these settings in the Windows Security app. However, other apps can't c...
firewallMergeKeyingModuleSettings Boolean 如果键控模块不完全支持身份验证集,请指示模块仅忽略不受支持的身份验证套件而不是整个集 firewallPacketQueueingMethod firewallPacketQueueingMethodType 配置应在隧道网关方案中应用数据包队列的方式。 可取值为:deviceDefault、disabled、queueInbound、queueOutbound、queueBoth。 fir...
and "Favorotes". Further more lots of Windows artifacts exists in volume C, and forensic guys understand the importance of Restore Point. But Win10 is different from Win7/8 in this feature. "System Protection" becomes disabled in Win10 default settings.That means there is no any Restore Poi...
Windows Information Protection (WIP) Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Intune Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Configuration Manager Mandatory tasks and settings required to turn on WIP Testing scenarios for WIP Limitations while using WIP ...
Windows Information Protection (WIP) Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Intune Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Configuration Manager Mandatory tasks and settings required to turn on WIP Testing scenarios for WIP Limitations while using WIP ...
Windows Information Protection (WIP) Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Intune Create a WIP policy using Microsoft Configuration Manager Mandatory tasks and settings required to turn on WIP Testing scenarios for WIP Limitations while using WIP ...