Titan Rune Dungeons The Forge of Souls Pit of Saron Halls of Reflection Raids Legendaries Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings Shadowmourne Vault of Archavon (10) Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher Vault of Archavon (25) Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher...
Titan Rune Dungeons The Forge of Souls Pit of Saron Halls of Reflection Raids Legendaries Val’anyr, Hammer of Ancient Kings Shadowmourne Vault of Archavon (10) Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher Vault of Archavon (25) Archavon the Stone Watcher Emalon the Storm Watcher...