*PROXITRONIKK050.38GS4(withcable)10-36VDCSn=50mm0-400mAARTNo.:2040QC KUKAU盘001584730000243400 KUKA Recovery USB Stick 2.2(8GB) EMG-0285变压器TB22-81.4pri:2X115V AEG半导体功率调节器AM132SZA4Q450Hz5.5KW20/11.7A)NO.46914146H *HEMOMATICHMDHI-SOL-TOT=650/NO-NCS=500O=600 ...
The paper argues that this new law would benefit society, consumers and designers.Monseau, SusannaSocial Science Electronic Publishing
$r1.iS$ 10 the Paris Convention cannot be denied registration or mvalidaled except for o'le or more Qf Uwze very narrovfly def:ned reasons. none of whiCh are app':cable in the context Of tobacco lfade ma,rks, 42, ACCOrdingly, in 311 the above weljs, plain packaging legislat:cl'l...
The corrosion protection properties of the different sol-gel layers were investigated mainly by means potentiodynamic curves and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). FT-IR and solid state NMR suggested a significant influence of the Ce cations on the network structure: not only the degree of...
China's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) has issued the Telecommunications and Internet Personal User Data Protection Regulations ('User DGreenleaf, GrahamSocial Science Electronic PublishingGreenleaf G. China's incremental data privacy law: MIIT `user data protection' regulations. ...
The reduction of food risks that are caused by malpractice requires a reconstructing understanding of the context-dependent behaviours of food businesses and aHirschauer, NorbertBavorová, MiroslavaSocial Science Electronic PublishingHIRSCHAUER, N., BAVOROVA, M. (2014): Advancing Consumer Protection ...
Monseau S "'Fit for Purpose': Why the European Union Should Not Extend the Term of Related Rights Protection in Europe" (2009) Fordham Intellectual Property, Media and Entertainment Law Journal 629Monseau, S. ( 2009 ), “ Fit for purpose: why the European Union should not extend the ...
GOOSE provides several advantages over traditional wires: • traditional wiring is substituted by a medium only for communication, • a GOOSE can carry more information that a simple cable, • protection, supervision and control applications use the same physical medium, • VLAN and QoS ...