Command posts. Conning towers.The forward conning tower had 350 mm KC walls and a 220 mm KC roof. The rangefinder cupola, on top of the conning tower, had 200 mm KC walls and a 100 mm KC roof. The conning tower was connected with the armour deck by a communications shaft of 85 cm...
The BMW 7 Protection is designed for people with a special need for protection, but it also sets standards in terms of elegance and aesthetics. For example, thanks to a completely revised security concept it has a hardly impenetrable armour. The lines and design, however, are almost i...
I solved the problem for my computer by running “cmd” with “SFC.exe” and “verfyonly” command. (win 8.1) Maybe this helps somebody. Reply Marta Lópezsays: March 11, 2015 at 10:15 pm Thank you Markus. We are not sure if th...
An experimental study of penetration resistance of ceramic armour subjected to projectile impact. Int. J. Impact Eng. 2005, 32, 337–350. [CrossRef] 4. Sekine, K.; Kumazawa, T.; Tanabe, Y. Influence of joining interlayer on impact damage to laminated boron carbide ceramics. Int. J. ...