For the Carrier Strike Group to be effective, thousands of systems and applications across multiple platforms above and below the waves have to work together seamlessly. But this ever-increasing integration brings with it an increased risk of cyber attac
Cybersecurity: Protecting Critical Infrastructures from Cyber Attack and Cyber Warfare聽examines the current cyber threat landscape and discusses the strategies being used by governments and corporatioJohnson, Thomas AThomas A. JohnsonCrc PressJohnson, T. A. 2015. Cybersecurity. Protecting Critical ...
In recent years, KNX and its members have invested considerably in data security, including KNX over IP links, but unless the systems integrator takes advantage of secure methods of deployment, the system could be vulnerable. There are three primary types of attack that might happen against the ...
New research from the University of Georgia suggests a novel approach to safeguarding one possible target of a cyberattack—the nation's solar farms. In a study published inIEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, a team in UGA's College of Engineering introduced a sensor system that monitors a key e...
When a hospital or clinic is hit with a cyberattack, it often seems as if the electronic health record systems just can't win. Even if the EHR system is not the
Phishing is a cyberattack in whichhackers, identifying themselves as trusted identities, trick you into sharing sensitive data. They can also trick you into installing malicious malware on your computer or device in order to steal sensitive data or money. ...
(e.g., human mistakes, irrationality, intentional gaming, malicious attacks), the electric power grid may become more vulnerable to various kinds of cyber and physical activities when social information becomes tightly integrated into its operation. For example, a coordinated attack could cause a ...
What is the standard for establishing an “armed attack” in space? Is the intent of the attackers or the scope of the attack relevant in exercising this right in space? In a 2003 case from the International Court of Justice, the Case Concerning Oil Platforms, many of these questions were...
Hearing on Protecting Maritime Facilities Against a Cyber Attack作者
A DPIA isn’t just a tool for assessing risk during data processing — companies can also use it to define data processing roles within the company, data flow between systems and individuals, and the security policy in the event of a cyber attack. 4. Use Data Masking / Data Obfuscation Da...