Personally identifiable information (PII) Financial, banking, or credit card information Legal information Medical or protected health information (PHI) Biometric data Customer and employee data Internet browsing history Proprietary information or trade secrets Business operations data Classified government inform...
Most commonly, consumer data is largely made up of personally identifiable information, or PII. As highlighted in the image below, this includes your customers' names, email addresses, mailing addresses, payment details, and anything else that can tie a person to t...
Should this indeed be the case, it would be in companies’ best interests to make protection of consumer privacy a priority. The aim of this paper is to investigate whether there is potential for such a market-driven mechanism of consumer privacy protection. An empirical survey within the ...
Sensitive data refers to information that must be protected and kept confidential. Sensitive data may be governed by data privacy regulations, internal corporate policies, or both. Examples of sensitive data include: Personally identifiable information (PII): Any data that can identify a person. Prote...
Extract values to determine PII risk and perform the necessary remediation steps (such as redaction) to protect sensitive information. Completing these steps, along with adopting a robust data enrichment solution, enables insurers to gain full visibility and access to all of their customer data (incl...
In addition, a Legal Reserve area consisting of grassland environments can gradually transition into a forest environment, if fire suppression practices are consistently deployed over the years (Durigan and Ratter, 2016). The failure of Law No. 12,727 of the Forest Code, which encourages a ...
Ask yourself the following questions. If you answer YES to any of these, then SHRED the document. Does it have any personally identifiable information (PII)? Does it contain information protected by privacy laws? Does it include any confidential corporate information?
On the surface, email seems relatively harmless – but dig a bit deeper and you’ll discover there’s a treasure trove of personally identifiable information (PII) at risk. This risk multiplies for senders emailing sensitive information like password reset links, email authentication codes, and bil...
Never Provide Additional PII When Opting-Out Optional When removing yourself from less mainstream data sharing services, do not enter any additional intormation in the opt-out form than what is already publicly availible through that site. There have been cases where this extra info is used elsew...
Never Provide Additional PII When Opting-Out Optional When removing yourself from less mainstream data sharing services, do not enter any additional intormation in the opt-out form than what is already publicly availible through that site. There have been cases where this extra info is used elsew...