1. Create a ProtectedRoute is nothing but just a react component render a Route component: check the 'loggedIn' props, if true, then using render prop to render the component normally. If 'loggedIn' props is false, then use 'Redirect' component to redirect to Home page. also pass the ...
1. Create a ProtectedRoute is nothing but just a react component render a Route component: check the 'loggedIn' props, if true, then using render prop to render the component normally. If 'loggedIn' props is false, then use 'Redirect' component to redirect to Home page. also pass the ...
import { Link, Routes, Route } from "react-router-dom"; const Home = () => Home (Public); const Pricing = () => Pricing (Public); const Dashboard = () => Dashboard (Private); const Settings = () => Settings (Private); const Login = () => TODO; function Nav() { return ...
React <Switch> ProtectedRoute问题/未按预期工作: 问题描述:在React应用程序中使用<Switch>和ProtectedRoute进行路由保护时,发现路由未按照预期工作。 解决方案: 理解React Router的基本概念: React Router是一个用于构建单页面应用程序的库,它提供了在应用程序中处理路由的功能。 <Switch>组件用于包裹<R...
前端发展到现在,单页应用的使用已经很广泛,目前时兴的 React、Vue、Angular 等前端框架均采用了 SPA ...
I was able to implement a <ProtectedRoute/> workflow onto the 'createBrowserRouter' react-router-remix. const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(container!); // createRoot(container!) if you use TypeScript const dummyUser = {loggedIn: true, token: ''} const router = createBrowserRouter([ { ...
What is <Outlet /> in React Router? The <Outlet /> component from react-router-dom is used within a parent route to define where a child route element should be rendered. Here’s what you need to know about <Outlet />. Rendering: <Outlet /> renders the next matching child route. If...