call policydividend protectionconvertible securitiessecurity designFirms have not historically called their convertible bonds as soon as conversion could be forced. A number of explanations for the delay rely on the size of thedoi:10.1111/jofi.12363GRUNDY, BRUCE D....
indicating their bonding character. The Hamiltonian matrix element further takes into account the differences in the bond strength. This is important because the deformation potential depends on the energetic scales ands–swith greater bonds (therefore larger overlap) should behave differently thanp–pint...
Convertible bondsSecurity designThis online appendix belongs to the paper "Disappearing Call Delay and Dividend-Protected Convertible Bonds" and provides a further investigation of edoi:10.2139/ssrn.2579127Grundy , Bruce D.Verwijmeren, PatrickSocial Science Electronic Publishing...