The LULC modeling approach described above utilized the Protected Areas Database of the United States (PAD-US) produced by the USGS National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) (US Geological Survey 2012). Areas categorized as GAP Status 1 or 2 (hereafter termed protected areas) as well as federal mil...
Later in 2018, the Trust for Public Land is scheduled to release its ParkServe GIS dataset, which will cover parks in all urban areas of the United States. This data will add tremendous coverage, bringing the full database much closer to realization. Work is also moving forward on many oth...
World Database on Protected Areas (WDPA). (2020). Global partnership on Aichi Target 11. Retrieved on 16 October 2020 from World Tourism Organization (UNWTO). (2017). UNWTO tourism highlights (2017 edition...
Physically, the areas that provide the greatest cost effectiveness of mitigation are those with a combination of both high forest carbon stocks (large areas of high biomass, intact forests), and also high rates of forest loss. The former (high stocks) are likely to be found in tropical forest...
// Worldclim 2: New 1-km spatial resolution climate surfaces for global land areas.International Journal of Climatology: USGS Land Cover Institute: Ethnologue...
In the Colombian Orinoquia, knowledge about the spatial ecology of the lowland tapir is still limited to particular areas, such as the savanna landscapes, mainly due to the scarcity of occurrence data resulting from access constraints, risks associated with armed conflict, and the difficulties and ...
Indonesia is one of the countries with highest forest loss rates in the world. Protected areas (PAs) can have a key role in counteracting deforestation, es
Data on the Protected Areas (PAs) of Tanzania, including spatial boundaries (Polygons of PAs) and management regimes, were obtained from the World Database for Protected Areas (WDPA). The PA database is managed by the United Nations Environment Programme, World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNE...
(Lao PDR) and the locations of camera traps (solid circles). Inset: Location of Luang Namtha Province in northern Lao PDR in relation to Thailand (to the west), Myanmar (to the northwest) and China (to the north). The two large dots in the inset represent our camera-trapping areas. ...
We analyzed all designated PAs in the selected tropical countries instead of using any sampling, and we did so to take full advantage of the spatially explicit, fine resolution data. Despite their conceptual importance, the effects of protected areas downgrading, downsizing, and degazetting (PADDD...