Even though marriage has its financial disadvantages, like sharing debts, having someone to lean on when you have it rough can be invaluable. However, even though you’re partners, you need to think about yourself and cultivate your own monetary independence in marriage. How much monetary indepen...
"He's been married 8 times legally and one common law marriage. That'll tell you a lot. Just don't think that if he was interested in you that way, that it is anything special. If you are younger thinner and adore him, you are a target, whether he is with someone or not, and ...
re still processing that your marriage is ending. and everybody’s marriage situation is different. you may be in a scenario where one of you wants a divorce and the other doesn’t. your marriage might be one of those where neither of you trusts the other at all, or one of...
A couple that has thirty years of experience in their relationship, took them thirty years to achieve. Please don’t expect to be in a place where arguments don’t happen during your first years of marriage. You’re going to argue, you’re going to have to learnhow to compromise if you...
But one thing is certain: Everyone emerges from a divorce financially banged up. But once it's over, you don't want to realize that your ex-spouse came out of the marriage in excellent financial shape while you're in ruins. Ideally,...
On Marriage and Money: A CFP's Perspective As you accumulate assets, it is paramount to ensure you protect them. Threats exist both externally and internally. Without proper protection, minor choices and major life decisions can inhibit future financial success. In this three-part series, we...
If you have children dependent on you financially, you need life insurance to cover lost income after you die. Generally, term life is your best bet;Accuquote.comcan give you premium quotes. (A good rule of thumb: have enough life insurance to equal 10 times your annual salary.) If you...
1. Realize that those you date – like yourself - have significant baggage, and be prepared to deal with it. Over age 50, most people have baggage in the form of financial issues, emotional issues stemming from a failed marriage, children they are still raising or putting through college, ...
The people you know best are most likely to swindle you. Here’s how it happens, why police are uninvolved and what you can do to protect yourself.
Well done, KangaPeggy, you have proven that one can conquer adverse circumstances with the ability , as you have, to rise above poor conditions and construct a better life for yourself and others around you!, all my best wishes for you and yours in the future, Murray Smith. Australia. Ps...