For generations, the Voting Rights Act (VRA) of 1965 has been instrumental in making the promise of our democracy a reality for millions of citizens. Today, the Supreme Court will consider the constitutionality of Section 5 of the Act one of the most effective civil rights tools in our ...
According to itsabout page“Protect Democracy is a cross-ideological nonprofit group dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat, building more resilient democratic institutions, and protecting our freedom and liberal democracy.” Funded by / Ownership Protect Democracy is a nonprofit organization funded...
Democracy is the foundation of our way of life, safeguarding and promotion of which is our major responsibility. The democracy values are constantly under attack by many deliberate threats, including hybrid means from autocracies or domestic erosion coming from the rise of populism. As we see, ...
76'We try to transmit pseudo strength to our kids; if we are broken, they will be broken as well': nature of the dialogue between mothers, grandmothers and children with leukaemia in palestine Background Mothers of children with life-limiting illnesses describe facing challenges such as sometimes...
This is an extract from our book,The UK’s Changing Democracy: The 2018 Democratic Audit, published by LSE Press. You can download the complete bookhere, and the individual chapterhere. Download the book from LSE Press About the author ...
An assessment of provenance technology will be part of the Deepfake Report Act’s scope of work on available countermeasures to synthetic media, and the provenance of digital media was also referred to in last year’s IOGAN act. More recently, the National Security Commission on Artificial ...
President of Fiji, he may not have the number of years of public life under his belt as some of the MPs, but he has been in leadership long enough to see the difference between genuine democracy we share today and past systems that...
If we do not have a functioning post service, it is going to be a direct impact on our ability to protect our democracy," said Rep. Lawrence. Prior to becoming a lawmaker, Lawerence worked for the U.S. Postal Service for thirty years. "Did you deliberately want to ...
Ask a Homework Question Tutors available × Our tutors are standing by Ask a question and one of our academic experts will send you an answer within hours. Make sure to include all the information needed to answer the question. Please direct questions about technical support or the Study....
We are often told that our data will be made anonymous after it’s collected. But some types of data, like location, are really difficult to anonymize. After all, how many people live at your house and also work at your workplace? Even those two data points could be enough to identify...