When you create a worksheet, sometimes you need to use some formulas, and you don’t want other users to change, edit or delete the formulas. The easiest and most common way of preventing people from playing with your formulas is to lock and protect cells which contain formulas in your wo...
鎖定和保護公式 Play 欄目經理新增特定數量的列 特色功能網格焦點工作簿和工作表管理器 前15 個工具集:12文本工具添加文本刪除字符,...)|50+圖表類型(甘特圖,...)|40+ 實用公式根據生日計算年齡|19插入工具(插入二維碼,從路徑插入圖片,...)|12轉化工具(數字到單詞,貨幣兌換,...)|7合併與拆分工具(高級合併行...
TheInfowindow will open. ClickProtect Workbook>> clickAlways Open Read-Only. Your file will be protected inRead-Onlymode. You will see that when opening the file again, it will show you a message warning you to open it as a read-only file. Method 3 – Protect Excel Worksheets from Modi...
3.In the Format Cells dialog, go to the Protection tab. Uncheck Locked. Click OK. Select all cells and change the Locked property to off. While all cells are still selected, select Home, Find & Select, Formulas. At this point, only the formula cells are selected. PressCtrl+1again to ...
In the popped-out dialog box, type a password and confirm it. And then, clickOKto close the dialogs. See screenshots: Result: Now, only the formula cells are protected. If you delete or edit these formulas, you will see a warning box, but, you can edit other cells you need. ...
Protection and security in Excel Protect an Excel file Protect a workbook Lock or unlock specific areas of a protected worksheet Lock cells to protect them Display or hide formulas Protect controls and linked cells on a worksheet Copy and paste in a protected worksheet Video: Password...
Read More:Excel VBA to Lock Cells without Protecting Sheet Method 3 – Detect Cells with Formulas and Protect them We have formulas in the Savings column. We will protect those cells. Steps: Copy theVBAcode below and paste it into aVBAmodule. ...
You can also choose to only lock special cells in Excel when you want to do this. It is also simple to do this: How to Lock and Protect Special Cells in Excel? Step 1: Open the worksheet that contains the cells you want to lock and protect. ...
Note: In the above code, I’m looping through all the sheets (and not worksheets). In Excel, a sheet can be a worksheet or a chart sheet, and the above code is going to go through all the sheets irrespective of their type and protect them. In case you only want to protect the wo...
Locking formulas in Excel can be helpful when you want to prevent accidental changes that could affect the accuracy of calculations. When you lock a formula, it cannot be deleted or modified. Here are the steps to lock formulas: Select the cells that contain the formulas you want to lock ...