Award-winning cat fencing solutions by cat proof garden experts. Enjoy total peace of mind with our modular range of cat fence barriers, outdoor cat cages.
Cat Enclosure Outdoor Cat Enclosures for total peace of mind Whether you have privet hedges and shrubbery, or if there is no existing boundary - or - if you wish to partition your grounds, our freestanding cat enclosure fencing is a great solution. ...
Pets have some natural protection against mosquitoes thanks to fur, but your dog’s or cat’s ears and nose are still exposed. Because dogs spend more time outside, they have a greater exposure time to being bitten by mosquitoes. They experience the same irritating itch humans feel from a ...
A very high external biosecurity — with good, complete fences around the pig farm to prevent wild boars from entering — is very important. Domestic pig farms may want to reduce the risk of wild boar transmission by using extra electric fencing around the farm. (Guinat et al., Veterinary ...
As a qualified product designer, prototyping is always underway and current projects include cat climbing shelves, weatherproof catios, detachable cat tunnels and roofed walkways for disabled access through large scale cat enclosures.’ While ProtectaPet cat fencing and cat enclosures have won numerous ...
Choose Designed & Installed Catios or DIY Catios Cat patios extend your house into your garden: our catios transform your patio into a beautiful cat safe haven so you can enjoy your outdoor space together See Karen's Catio Professionally Installed Catios ...
No engagement Yes Security Upgrade 3 Twilight High (Heavy Overcast) Security Upgrade 4 Twilight Extra High (Overcast Sunlight) Low (0.05 (PLOSB) Low (0.05 (PLOSB) Concrete wall + internal chain fence Advanced cameras + motion sensors weaved into fencing (90% probability of detection) Two, ...