Feel free to check video of Warrior MT LoD by Shizel here. 1) Talents Green = Must have Red = Rage Blue = Threat Yellow = Other options This is my general-use talent build. – As you can see I am not a fan of Rage talents. Its simply because I find them useless. When you are...
The warrior has been and always will be the premier choice for tanking dungeons and especially endgame raid-content in WoW Classic. However, Warrior tanking has changed much from 2005 to nowadays. While it used to be all about being as beefy as possible,
Warlock PvE DPS Consumables Enchants Pre-Raid BiS Resistance Rotation Talents & Builds Trinkets & Cooldowns Twin Emperor Tanking World Buffs (Obsolete) Melee Warlock Warlock Epic Mount Deathmist Tier 0.5 Doomguard Guide Warlock Shadow Resist Gear Warrior PvE Prot Warrior Tanking PvE Warrior DPS Lev...
Revenge /castsequence [nochanneling] Storm Bolt /castsequence [nochanneling] Shockwave /castsequence [nochanneling] Dragon Roar /script UIErrorsFrame:Clear() /script UIErrorsFrame:Show() /console Sound_EnableErrorSpeech 1 ]], } -- Warrior Gladiator Defensive stance and Protection PvE (talents: 3,1,1...
…doesn’t matter when neither talents, abilities, nor PvE encounters were tuned even remotely accurately. Revir: The fact that people are arguing with me about a single prot warrior in the raid over all, is absurd and shows that they have no practical knowledge about TBC. Or we can see ...