Main reason for this is that I have only limited insight into your situation. I can tell you what worked for me and when and why. But you have to decide what will work best in your situation. Feel free to check video of Warrior MT LoD by Shizel here. 1) Talents Green = Must ...
Ive mostly focused on getting a good percent of all stats, most of my gear is haste based, but ive dipped into mastery with a few pieces . And pushed a little more versatility via gem slots and ring enchants. Vakoon-area-52December 17, 2024, 2:25am4 Warrior for educational purposes. ...
The warrior has been and always will be the premier choice for tanking dungeons and especially endgame raid-content in WoW Classic. However, Warrior tanking has changed much from 2005 to nowadays. While it used to be all about being as beefy as possible,
Prot Warrior Talent Tree is now out for alpha. Seems like you can get everything and then some. Also, stances are back :( Here is my first impression of the tree.
Spell Power on Paladin Plate is the same as Agility or Strength on Warrior Plate. With the exception of pieces very early on that are heavily stacked with JUST Stamina, Defense, and some Avoidance stat, there’s no “trade off” between the offensive stats and the defensive stats allocated....