They have the lowest pool at the start, however they have +16% stamina from talents so they scale the best on HP. End game they have more health than warriors. Typically by Hyjal you dont even use warriors and have paladins all but solo tank the entire raid. Sunwell bears are miles ...
Every private server, the only place where you had 2.4.3 talents where paladins were not gimpped that I played on. T4 and T5 content was easier with a prot warrior at least off tanking. Most of the time they would be on bosses that hit harder and survived better. Have I seen a prot...
I highly doubt we’re getting progressive patching regarding our talents because Paladins in particular, Ret and Prot, got hefty changes to make them more viable. Same with Prot gear, Ret PvP gear, etc. T4 and Dungeon gear for Protadins has spell power all over it… if we use Sunwell ...